Cooperation schools of the University of Vienna

Based on the cooperation school model introduced by the Department of Education, by 2014 the University of Vienna had established a network of 58 certified cooperating schools in Vienna and its surrounding area.

To further extend this first level of cooperation between universities and schools, the concept of cooperation schools has been expanded since summer semester 2015. The cooperation is specified in a cooperation agreement and cooperation schools obtain the title "Cooperation School of the University of Vienna" by means of a certificate for up to three school years with the possibility of renewal.

A cooperation school agrees to carry out a joint practical research project together with the Department of Education or a subject didactics centre of the University of Vienna, which involves teachers, students and academics. Cooperation schools are involved in the education of future teachers during their teaching practice (bachelor’s programme) and their practical work at school (master’s programme). Teachers working at a cooperation school receive preferential treatment when the places for the Certificate Course / Postgraduate Course "Mentoring Training in the pedagogical practical studies" and "Mentoring: Professional Supervision of Entry into the Teaching Profession“ are allocated.

This cooperation in research and teaching stimulates synergetic effects. The mutual influence of theory and practice contributes to active quality development and quality assurance in both institutions.

Below you can find an overview of the award criteria for the title "Cooperation School of the University of Vienna".

Cooperation Schools 2022-2025

Schule Kooperation mit Arbeitsbereich/Fach
AmerlinggymnasiumEducational Sciences
Akademisches Gymnasium WienBiology
BG 13 Fichtnergasse


BG/BRG FrauengasseChemistry

BG/BRG Groß-Enzersdorf

BG/BRG Keimgasse, MödlingEducational Sciences
BG/BRG RahlgasseEducational Sciences, German
BG/BRG/WMS ContiwegEducational Sciences, Inclusive Education
BHAK/BHAS BadenGerman
BHAK/BHAS Wien 10Educational Sciences, German
BRG 9 Erich Fried GymnasiumHistory
BRG 18 SchopenhauerstraßeBiology
BRG 19 KrottenbachstraßeEducational Sciences
Bundesgymnasium und Bundesrealgymnasium 21Educational Sciences
BRG/BORG 2 LessinggasseEducational Sciences
Evangelisches Gymnasium und Werkschulheim: BildungswissenschaftenEducational Sciences
G11 BG/BRG GeringergasseEducational Sciences
GRG Franklinstraße 26Educational Sciences
GRG II ZirkusgasseBiology
GRG 3 HagenmüllergasseEducational Sciences, Chemistry
GRG 11 GottschalkgasseEducational Sciences
GRG 12 RosagasseBiology
GRG 13 WenzgasseHistory
GRG 15 Auf der SchmelzHome Economics and Nutrition
GRG 17 Hernalser Gymnasium GeblergasseEducational Sciences
GRG23 Anton Baumgartner StraßeEducational Sciences
GTVS GrundsteingasseEducational Sciences
GWIKU 18 HaizingergasseEducational Sciences
Gymnasium am AugartenHistory
Gymnasium WolkersdorfGerman
HBLVA17 für chemische IndustrieChemistry
Heilstättenschule WienInclusive Education
HLW10 ReumannplatzEducational Sciences
HLTW 13 BergheidengasseEducational Sciences
HTL Wiener NeustadtChemistry
HTL Wien WestEducational Sciences
Modulare Mittelstufe AspernEducational Sciences
MS JHS KonstanziagasseEducational Sciences
MS Obere AugartenstraßeEducational Sciences
MS Währing, Schopenhauer StraßeEducational Sciences
Parhamer GymnasiumEducational Sciences
pGRg18 Albertus Magnus Schule Gymnasium und RealgymnasiumChemistry
Schule am HimmelEducational Sciences, Inclusive Education
Schulzentrum HTL HAK UngargasseEducational Sciences, Inclusive Education
Schulzentrum 14 Kienmayergasse, Zentrum für Inklusiv- und SonderpädagogikInclusive Education
Theresianum EisenstadtHome Economics and Nutrition
Tierpflegeschule an der Vetmeduni ViennaEducational Sciences
Ukrainian Saturday School ViennaMathematics
VBS FloridsdorfEducational Sciences
VBS SchönborngasseEducational Sciences, Geography
Wiedner Gymnasium / Sir Karl Popper SchuleBiology

 Award criteria for the title “Cooperation School“