Centre for Teacher Education
Foto: ZLB
The Center for Teacher Education (ZLB) is structured like a faculty with interfaces to other faculties and centres.
The Centre for Teacher Education consists of the following subunits:
- Office of the Centre for Teacher Education
- SSC Teacher Education
- Department of Teacher Education
- Centre for Science Education Research (AECCs)
Diversity Statement of the Center for Teacher Education
At the Center for Teacher Education, we treat diversity with respect. We see a strength in the individuality and diversity of our teachers, staff, students and the pupils and teachers at the schools. We meet each other with mutual respect for each other and avoid any behavior that contradicts this attitude. If cases arise in which this is not the case, we distance ourselves from it and take appropriate steps.
In this sense, we take an active and creative position in teacher education to appreciate diversity.
Mission Statement of the Center for Teacher Education on Digitilisation in Education
The center attentively observes processes of digitalisation in school and society, and reflects them from a scientific-critical perspective. It identifies fields of development and design, develops research questions from them and, in research and teaching, helps to shape educational digitalisation processes. It is committed to and promotes the principles of digital sovereignty and equitable and inclusive education in line with the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Education) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, as well as promoting global citizenship education.
The center focuses on school-based and extracurricular digitally supported learning processes as well as on the changing educational preconditions and the resulting new educational tasks of schools. Digitalisation also requires reflection on the role and responsibility of education policy and administration, pedagogical staff and parents. The communication and cooperation with practitioners and the expanded sphere of activity mentioned above are designed in accordance with the Third Mission Policy of the University of Vienna.
Both a broad understanding of education in terms of general education (self-determination, co-determination, solidarity, maturity, ability to judge) and the requirements and realities of the Austrian education system and the Austrian educational landscape serve as guidance. In addition to the technical application perspective, the center is also interested in issues concerning media-education, - ethics and -philosophy. The development and evaluation of digital teaching media and their didactic integration in teaching scenarios - teaching with the media - is just as important in this context as the teaching on digital media and teaching for digital education with a focus on digital empowerment.
The objective of the Centre is to encourage the formation of networks between the individual subject didactics centres, establish links between disciplines and subject didactics, intensify the cooperation between subjects, subject didactics and the general educational fundamentals of teacher education, and initiate joint research projects.
The Centre intends to strengthen research in the area of teacher education at the University, as well as nationally and internationally, and provide academic impulses through research projects, publications and events. It builds on the initiatives started by the research platform Fachdidaktik.
Studies & Teaching
The institutions which cooperate in the North-East Schools’ Group (the University of Vienna, the University College of Teacher Education in Vienna and Lower Austria, the University College of Teacher Education of Christian Churches Vienna/Krems, the University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy) implemented a joint teacher education programme at secondary level in 2016. With 27 teaching subjects and the specialisation in Inclusive Education, the largest educational institution for teachers in Austria has developed. The combination of subject-specific academic fields, subject didactics, educational science and teaching practice was preserved in the new form of the teacher education programme. The share of teaching practice elements was expanded. Thus, all cooperation partners have affirmed the commitment to the unity of research and teaching in all four elements of teacher education.
In the teacher education programmes to obtain a teaching degree for secondary schools, the close cooperation between the Centre and faculties/centres and the cooperation partners of the university colleges of teacher education is particularly important. The SPL 49 is responsible for teaching that covers the general educational fundamentals as well as teaching practice in teacher education. The University Colleges of Teacher Education appoint a vice-SPL 49. The specialisation in inclusive education is also supervised by a vice-SPL 49. The individual departments are responsible for organising the subject-specific and subject didactics-related teaching. Especially in subject didactics, teaching assignments are given to teachers who also work in practice at school. To ensure that teaching is research-based and related to subject didactics, these teachers are also involved in activities of the Centre.
Service & Counselling
The StudiesServiceCentre (SSC) at the Centre for Teacher Education is responsible for all administrative matters (recognitions, registration for courses, placements, etc.) concerning the general educational fundamentals and teaching practice of the teacher education programme. In addition, it is in charge of the specialisation in Inclusive Education.
For all prospective students and students of teacher education programmes, we recommend visiting the website of the North-East Schools’ Group. It provides general information about the teacher education programme. For personal counselling or the clarification of specific questions, you can contact the StudiesServiceCentre (SSC) via e-mail or visit the student counselling service.
Career development of young academics
Currently, more than 70 doctoral candidates of different faculties and departments at the University of Vienna are working on questions of learning and teaching at schools. With the new DoktorandInnenforum (doctoral candidates’ forum) and the summer school, the Centre for Teacher Education wants to create a place for networking and exchange.
By expanding and institutionalising the network of existing cooperation schools, the Centre will strengthen the cooperation with schools. Currently, the University of Vienna cooperates with around 70 schools in Vienna.
Continuing education and training
Lifelong learning plays a central role for teachers. Research-led education offers provide the opportunity to combine current academic and educational topics and findings with concepts related to subject didactics. The aim is to intensify cooperation with the colleges of teacher education in the context of continuing education and training for teachers.
A particular concern is the qualification of teachers as mentors, who support the students during teaching practice in professionally dealing with and designing complex educational and teaching situations. For this purpose, the North-East Schools’ Group developed a joint curriculum, which forms the basis for the offers at the individual institutions.