Teaching and master theses


The members of the research group hold courses in psychology (bachelor, master, doctorate) and in teaching (bachelor, master, doctorate). Information on current and past courses can be found at u:find.


Supervision of theses

 Application for an advertised topic: If you are interested in writing a Master's thesis on an advertised topic, the current list of topics as well as more detailed information on the application process can be found here. Master's theses in psychology as well as in teaching (PP) are only assigned in September and February.

Application with own topic proposal: An own topic proposal can be submitted at the latest 4 weeks before the beginning of the semester (01.09. or 01.02.). For this purpose, a concept of a maximum of 5 pages must be submitted, which should fit thematically into the framework of the research focus of the research area. The contents of this concept should include the topic, the current state of research, the derivation of concrete research questions from the literature, the research plan and a possible sample. Subsequently, it will be examined whether such a thesis can be supervised.

The process for applying is the same regardless of the subject (psychology or teaching). If you are interested in supervising a thesis, further information can be found under this link.