In der AILA Review 35:1 (2022) sind Beiträge zu lesen, die sich der Einschränkung (sprachlicher) Vielfalt theoretisch wie praktisch widersetzen:
Eva Vetter & Nikolay Slavkov: Introduction: How to learn to teach multilingual learning | pp. 1–11
Ulrike Jessner & Elisabeth Allgäuer-Hackl: Metacognition in multilingual learning and teaching: Multilingual awareness as a central subcomponent of metacognition in research and practice | pp. 12–37
Margareta Strasser & Christina Reissner: Plurilingual and pluricultural competence: The EVAL-IC model of intercomprehension competence | pp. 38–59
Diane Potts & Euline Cutrim Schmid: Plurilingual practice in language teacher education: An exploratory study of project design and ideological change | pp. 60–88
Kathleen Heugh, Mei French, Vandana Arya, Min Pham, Vincenza Tudini, Necia Billinghurst, Neil Tippett, Li-Ching Chang, Julie Nichols & Jeanne-Marie Viljoen: Multilingualism, translanguaging and transknowledging: Translation technology in EMI higher education | pp. 89–127
Orly Haim & Yarden Kedar: Exploring bilingual teaching and learning in a Jewish-Palestinian language café | pp. 128–151
Larissa Aronin & Susan Coetzee-Van Rooy: Commentary: Emerging trends in multilingual learning and teaching: Beyond edges and borders | pp. 152–168