Language Teaching and Learning Research

In the field of language teaching and learning research (SLLF), we focus on the teaching, learning and use of language/s in the context of diversity. Our research focuses on three main areas: the subject in its emotional, motivational and empowering linguistic constitution, discourses on multilingualism and languages, and the professionalisation of teachers for multilingual contexts. These focal points are interwoven and support each other. Digitalisation is a perspective that emerges in the three focal points, from which the digital support of language learning and use takes centre stage. Our research goes beyond institutional teaching and learning contexts, in that the connection between language use and language learning is an important point of reference.

The SLLF department is inherently interdisciplinary: applied linguistics, professionalisation research and subject-specific didactics are the key reference disciplines. The teaching of the researchers working here is offered in the study programmes of General Educational Science Principles of Teacher Education, Linguistics and Romance Studies. Third Mission is a central component of the department and manifests itself in various cooperation projects.

Structurally, the department is anchored at the Zentrum für Lehrer*innenbildung and the Institut für Sprachwissenschaft.

News and Events


Im Zentrum des Treffens stand der Austausch zu aktuellen Projekten sowie zur sprachlichen Situation indigener Bevölkerungsgruppen in Kanada.


Ende März fand das zweite Consortium Meeting des HORIZON-Europe-Projekts RISE UP in Köln statt.


Modern Approaches to Researching Multilingualism. Studies in Honour of Larissa Aronin

Contact the Language Teaching and Learning Research Unit

E-mail address for general inquiries:
E-mail addresses of staff members: see Team

Centre for Teacher Education
Porzellangasse 4, Staircase 1, 1st floor
1090 Vienna