Continuing education and training
Foto: Universität Wien
Continuing education and training
The Centre for Teacher Education is interested in qualifying teachers who would like to become involved in the training of teachers at university. The new certificate course in Mentoring started in the winter semester 2017/2018 (previously: Universitätslehrgang BetreuungslehrerIn für die schulpraktische Ausbildung, university continuing education and training programme in mentoring for practical education at school).
Furthermore, the University of Vienna offers its graduates a wide range of postgraduate continuing education and training opportunities. Graduates have the opportunity to acquire interdisciplinary, occupational and complementary additional qualifications at the University of Vienna’s Postgraduate Center. The university continuing education and training programme in Integration of Children and Adolescents has been designed specifically for teachers.
The Austrian Educational Competence Centres and the Centres for Subject-Specific Didactics at the University of Vienna offer a variety of subject-specific seminars and training courses, allowing teachers to receive continuing education.