Zeit: Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2023 um 14:00
Ort: Seminarraum 4, Porzellang. 4, Stiege 1, 3. Stock
Abstract: The talk will give an overview of the methodogical approach, research activities and findings in the project Computational Empowerment for Emerging Technologies in Education (CEED, 2020-24). The project aimed at exploring and building new practices of Computational Empowerment for emerging technologies in Danish secondary education through a cross-disciplinary approach between computer science, humanities, and engineering. The overall objective for the research project was to explore and develop new ways of teaching K-12 students about technologies such as Machine Learning (ML), Augmented Reality (AR), and Internet of Things (IoT) with a particular focus on Computational Empowerment. I invited the audience to reflect upon future opportunities for this approach in other cultural contexts and to discuss details and collaboration.
Marie-Monique Schaper is Post-Doc Researcher at the Center for Computational Thinking and Design, Aarhus University and Guestprofessor for Computational Empowerment in Teacher Education at the Centre for Teacher Education (University of Vienna) during the 2023 summer term.
Her work explores novel educational strategies for learning about emerging technologies through the lens of Computational Empowerment. She is particularly interested in critical approaches that address intersectional perspectives on embodiment, gender and ethnicity. She is also co-founder of the research project COSICOSA (Barcelona, Spain) which focuses on creative, participatory and reflective methodologies that promote a critical and committed vision to train children and the youth as thoughtful users and responsible designers in a digital society.
Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten.
Anmeldung unter: ce-lab.zlb@univie.ac.at