Eva Kleinlein, B.A. M.Ed. M.Ed.

Working Title: Between inclusive assessment and inclusive practice. Transcultural systematization of inclusive practices of teachers based on the Grounded Theory Methodology
Supervision: Michelle Proyer, Annette Textor
Time period: January 2021 - December 2024
Contact: eva.verena.kleinlein@univie.ac.at

Teachers worldwide are challenged to create suitable and empowering learning environments for their students. Therefore, teachers from different contexts and socio-cultural backgrounds make use of different and partly very creative strategies and approaches. This dissertation project aims to draw on this extensive expertise of teachers worldwide and to connect it to inclusive assessment. Although in recent years there has been increased academic engagement in inclusive assessment, a coherent concept of inclusive assessment that constructively addresses the inherent dilemmas of the field is still not apparent. Building up on this, the aim of the project is to constructively merge the research field of inclusive assessment with the research field of inclusive practice.
Therefore, teachers worldwide are invited to share their complex and contextspecific practical knowledge about dealing with heterogeneity in school. By recording Asynchronous Narrative Audio-recordings (short: ANAs) and completing a complementary semi-open questionnaire, teachers reveal key pedagogical challenges they perceive in their everyday school practice. In addition, the data collected across fields from teachers sheds light on the politically, historically, and socio-culturally diverse ways of dealing with dimensions of heterogeneity. Based on Charmaz's grounded theory methodology, the data will be systematized, focused, and analyzed. In this way, it is ought to create a transcultural systematization of inclusive pedagogical approaches that can contribute to bridging the the theoretical and empirical gap between inclusive assessment and practice.

Link to Project Website: medium.com/@evakleinlein/inspots-inclusive-schooling-practices-of-teachers-b26e5241580
Link to teacher survey: survey.phonic.ai/610d250b3b684eae869a3cf5