Cooperation Schools plus of the University of Vienna
The Centre for Teacher Education uses the existing concept of cooperation schools and takes it one step further, aiming at a broader and more profound partnership with schools. By doing so, the University of Vienna recognises the often already existing collaborations with its departments and awards the title “Cooperation School plus“ to selected schools for a period of four years. The partnership can be extended during the course of the next call.
To strengthen this partnership, the nominated schools do not only cooperate with the departments, but also have preferential access to different offers of the University of Vienna. At least once a year, the cooperation partners come together for a planning meeting to discuss the existing partnerships and develop new ideas for cooperation. The partnership is an asset for both institutions, and has proven to be valuable in the areas of education, school development, research and teaching.
Cooperation Schoolsplus 2023-2027
Certification of the Cooperation Schoolsplus on the 4. and 17. October 2023:
From left to right: Barbara König (HAS and HAK-AUL Flora Fries), Ingrid Aubauer (Dir. HAS and HAK-AUL Flora Fries), Margot Kapfer (Centre for Teacher Education), Katharina Huber (AHS Flora Fries), Claudia Angele (dept. Head of the Centre for Teacher Education), Hedwig Weindl (Dir. AHS Flora Fries), Florian Gimpl (AHS Flora Fries) Martin Rothgangel (Head of the Centre for Teacher Education).
From left to right: Claudia Angele (Deputy Head of the Centre for Teacher Training), Sandra Bednar (Head of the Donaustadt School Centre), Martin Rothgangel (Head of the Centre for Teacher Training).
Cooperation Schoolsplus 2022-2026
Certification of the Cooperation Schoolsplus on 6th October 2022:
Margot Kapfer (Center for Teacher Education), Georg Waschulin (GRG7 Kandlgasse), Thomas Hellmuth (Deputy Head of the Center for Teacher Education), Hajnalka Berenyi-Kiss (Hertha Firnberg Schools for business and tourism, Michel Fleck (WMS/RG/ORG antonkriegergasse), Manfred Prenzel (Head of the Center for Teacher Education), Susanne Neumann (BRG14 – Linzer Straße)
Manfred Prenzel, Marianne Korner (AHS Friesgasse), Barbara König (AHS & HAS/HAK Friesgasse), Ingrid Aubauer (HAS/HAK Friesgasse), Margot Kapfer (Centre for Teacher Education), Marion Gutscher and Gudrun Messenböck (Lernwerkstatt Donaustadt), Andrea Lehner-Hartmann
Georg Waschulin (GRG 7 – Kandlgasse), Beate Wallner (Anton-Krieger-Gasse), Ursula Behun (BRG 14 – Linzer Straße), Michael Karnbach (Hertha Firnberg Schulen für Wirtschaft und Tourismus)
Lernwerkstatt Donaustadt Inklusive WMS, Handeslsschule/HAK Aufbaulehrgang Friesgasse, Gymnasium und Realgymnasium Friesgasse
BG / BRG 14 Linzer Straße
Hertha Firnberg Schulen für Tourismus und Wirtschaft
BG / BRG / WMS 7 Kandlgasse