Digital Education and Learning Group

The Digital Education and Learning Group is part of the Centre for Teacher Education at the University of Vienna. The group researches and teaches the interplay of education and digitality using a creative, person-centered, optimistic, but also technology-critical and value-oriented approach. The group's goal is to promote inclusive digital learning experiences that take into account diverse realities of life and issues such as sustainability and social justice. These learning experiences also open up individual spaces for playful exploration, learning, and growth.

The group engages in a critical socio-technical discourse around education and digitality in its teaching, research, and outreach activities. Our aim is to support the self-empowering use of digital technology and to promote a capacity for action through which people can actively participate in the digitized society. 

The group’s Computational Empowerment Lab was founded to provide both a physical space and an intellectual framework for the realization of these goals. In collaboration with its users, the Computational Empowerment Lab combines applied research and teaching. To this end, we employ exploratory and creative approaches to technologies such as digital fabrication, gaming, virtual and augmented reality, digital musical instruments, and robotics.

In the Computational Empowerment Lab we design educational technologies using participatory, user-centered methods. We combine qualitative and quantitative approaches from a range of academic disciplines to develop educational technologies and various modes of usage.

The team comprises multiple disciplinary backgrounds and brings together perspectives from computer science, especially human-computer interaction and game studies, educational sciences, social sciences, teacher education, philosophy and more. The Lab addresses researchers, students, pupils, teachers and the general public as well as stakeholders from education, politics and industry. 





Einladung zum 2. Round Table der Initiative Digitalisierung Chancengerecht mit Elisabeth Günther und Fares Kayali am Podium



Der Uni Wien Blog berichtet über die MOOC-Reihe „Digitales Leben 1-3“ von Prof. Kayali und seinen Kolleg*innen.

06.09.2022 11:42

Laura Bassi 4.0 5. Netzwerkforum "Digitalisierung und Chancengerechtigkeit"

7.10.22 von 10.00 - 16:00 im Europahaus Wien

Themenfokus: Wie schaffen wir digitale Inklusion und Partizipation?

Keynote von Elisabeth Günther


06.10.2022 14:00

Am 6. Oktober wird die Aula am Campus zum Spielzimmer: Lernen Sie spielbasierte Anwendungen für Unterricht und Lehre kennen


Feministischen Herausforderungen für sozial gerechtere Data Analytics

21.01.2022 14:00

Webinar zu Conceptualising and Researching Gender

Elisabeth Günther hält gemeinsam mit Anne Laure Humbert einen Vortrag zu "Data with a (feminist) purpose" (Buchbeitrag im Handbook of Researchs...


eine Hand schreibt auf einem Blatt Papier

Prof. Kayali, Göbl und Günther haben Masterarbeitsthemen zu vergeben. Details finden sich hier. Bei Interesse bitte direkt mit der Lehrperson Kontakt aufnehmen. 


E-mail address for general inquiries:

E-mail addresses of staff members: see Team

Centre for Teacher Education
Digital Education and Learning Group
Porzellangasse 4, Stair 1, Floor 1
1090 Wien