Ongoing projects
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PhD Projects
Current publications of team members
Showing entries 31 - 35 out of 44
Müller J, Meneses J, Humbert AL, Guenther EA. Sensor-based proximity metrics for team research. A validation study across three organizational contexts. Behavior Research Methods. 2021 Apr;53(2):718-743. doi: 10.3758/s13428-020-01444-x
Humbert AL, Günther EA. Data with a (feminist) purpose: quantitative methods in the context of gender, diversity and management. In Stead V, Elliott C, Mavin S, editors, Handbook of Research Methods on Gender and Management. Edward Elgar. 2021. p. 145-160 doi: 10.4337/9781788977937.00018
Prahm C, Sturma A, Vujaklija I, Kayali F. Novel Technologies in Upper Extremity Rehabilitation. In Bionic Limb Reconstruction. Axel Springer Verlag AG. 2021
Götzenbrucker G, Schwarz V, Kayali F. Youth and Interculturality in Vienna: Gaming Intervention in Intercultural Contexts – Two Project Cases. In Knapp G, Krall H, editors, Youth Cultures in a Globalized World: Developments, Analyses and Perspectives. Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg. 2021. p. 207-224
Günther E. Der „ideale“ Technik-Student. Intersektionale Dynamiken in der universitären MINT-Lehre. In Biele Mefebue A, Bührmann A, Grenz S, editors, Handbuch Intersektionalitätsforschung. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. 2020 doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-26613-4_19-1
Showing entries 31 - 35 out of 44