Denis Francesconi, MA PhD

Denis Francesconi, MA PhD

Porzellangasse 4
1090 Wien
Room: 323

T: +43-1-4277-60024

Consultation hour: by appointment via mail.

Current teaching activities

Fields of Activity


Showing entries 31 - 32 out of 32
Denis FRANCESCONI. Embodied mind: La coscienza intenzionale nelle esperienze corporee . In Cervello, linguaggio, società: atti del Convegno del CODISCO (2008): coordinamento dei dottorati Italiani di Scienze Cognitive. Vol. 2. Rome: Corisco. 2009. p. 510-515

Showing entries 31 - 32 out of 32


Showing entries 1 - 5 out of 18

Die Frage nach der Nachhaltigkeit: Differente Perspektiven auf Entwicklung, Bildung und Diversität am Beispiel der zwei Projekte „Teach4Reach“ und „EQoL“

Evi Agostini , Denis Francesconi , Nazime Öztürk , Irma Eloff , Kgadi Mathabathe , Ann-Kathrin Dittrich
ÖFEB 2024
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
26.9.2024 - 26.9.2024

Teaching the Good Life: Insights for Norwegian School Leaders

Denis Francesconi , Evi Agostini
Talk or oral contribution
26.9.2024 - 26.9.2024

The Implications of the Quality-of-Life Movement for Education and the Exemplary Case of the OECD PISA Wellbeing Framework.

Denis Francesconi , Nazime Öztürk , Evi Agostini
BERA Conference and WERA Focus Meeting
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
10.9.2024 - 10.9.2024

PEA-Conference: Pedagogy, Ecology and the Arts conference: Peace

Sabina Langer , Evi Agostini , Denis Francesconi , Nazario Zambaldi
PEA-Conference: Pedagogy, Ecology and the Arts conference: Peace
Conference, Organisation of ...
5.9.2024 - 7.9.2024

PEA-Conference: Pedagogy, Ecology and the Arts conference: Peace

Sabina Langer , Evi Agostini , Denis Francesconi , Nazario Zambaldi
PEA-Conference: Pedagogy, Ecology and the Arts conference: Peace
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
5.9.2024 - 7.9.2024

Showing entries 1 - 5 out of 18