Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Susanne Schwab
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Susanne Schwab, Bakk. MA
Porzellangasse 4
1090 Wien
Room: 324A
Consultation hours: by appointment
Ongoing Projects
- BASiS-Studie
- DIGIT(ALL) - A new approach to digital education and inclusion
- Eine multiperspektivische Studie zu den Deutschförderklassen
- Neu in Wien - Eine Studie zu den Chancen und Herausforderungen der schulischen Eingliederung ukrainischer Kinder und Jugendlicher
Showing entries 1 - 5 out of 228
Pull-Out Classes for Newly Arrived Students from Ukraine - An Obstacle to Social Inclusion. / Woltran, Flora (Corresponding author); Hassani, Sepideh; Schwab, Susanne.
In: Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 01.12.2024, p. 1-13.
In: Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, 01.12.2024, p. 1-13.
Publications: Contribution to journal › Article › Peer Reviewed
Language as a distinguishing feature or common ground? A participatory study on manifestations of intergroup relations in the lived experiences of multilingual students. / Woltran, Flora (Corresponding author); Schwab, Susanne.
In: Linguistics and Education , Vol. 85, 101379, 29.11.2024.
In: Linguistics and Education , Vol. 85, 101379, 29.11.2024.
Publications: Contribution to journal › Article › Peer Reviewed
Family quality of life of caregivers of individuals with autism, with other disabilities, and without disabilities: the case of Saudi Arabia. / Alnahdi, Ghaleb Hamad; Alwadei, Arwa (Corresponding author); Schwab, Susanne.
In: International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 70, No. 6, 14.11.2024, p. 1010-1021.
In: International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, Vol. 70, No. 6, 14.11.2024, p. 1010-1021.
Publications: Contribution to journal › Article › Peer Reviewed
(Mis)communication between educational policy and practice: teachers’ perceptions of educational policy communication during COVID-19. / Woltran, Flora (Corresponding author); Lindner, Katharina-Theresa; Schwab, Susanne.
In: Cogent Education, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2427532, 14.11.2024.
In: Cogent Education, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2427532, 14.11.2024.
Publications: Contribution to journal › Article › Peer Reviewed
Epilogue: towards a more comprehensive understanding of inclusive and special education. / Schwab, Susanne.
In: European Journal of Special Needs Education, 10.11.2024.
In: European Journal of Special Needs Education, 10.11.2024.
Publications: Contribution to journal › Article › Peer Reviewed
Showing entries 11 - 15 out of 53
Homeschooling – Einblicke in das emotionale Erleben von SchülerInnen und Eltern während der Schulschließungen
Susanne Schwab
Talk or oral contribution
27.5.2021 - 27.5.2021
Herausforderung Deutschförderklasse – Einblicke in die Lehrkraftperspektive
Susanne Schwab
Deutschförderklassen auf dem Prüfstand
Talk or oral contribution
23.3.2021 - 23.3.2021
Evaluierung des Konzepts « Deutschförderklasse »
Susanne Schwab
Netzwerktreffen « Migration-Schule » der Bildungsdirektion Steiermark
Talk or oral contribution
9.2.2021 - 9.2.2021
Covid-19 – eine (medien)pädagogische Zumutung?
Susanne Schwab
Fachtagung Medienbildung
Panel discussion, round table,
Talk or oral contribution
22.10.2020 - 22.10.2020
Schule neu nach Corona. Was haben wir gelernt? Wie starten hunderttausende SchülerInnen, StudentInnen, LehrerInnen und ProfessorInnen in den Herbst?
Susanne Schwab
2050 Thinkers Club Remote
Panel discussion, round table,
Talk or oral contribution
10.9.2020 - 10.9.2020
Showing entries 11 - 15 out of 53