Mag. Dr. Elisabeth Anna Günther
Porzellangasse 4
1090 Wien
Room: 1OG29
Office hours: by appointment, per email
Research focus
- Gender, diversity and intersectionality
- Inequality in education
- Intersectionality in/due to digitalisation
- Teaching on gender and diversity and on the development of inclusive processes in education
- Research on intersectionality - education - digitalisation
- Lecturing at national and international conferences and on request
Scientific profile
Showing entries 6 - 10 out of 41
Situating discussions about intersectionality. / Rodriguez, Jenny K.; Günther, Elisabeth Anna.
2023. Paper presented at British Academy of Management Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom.
2023. Paper presented at British Academy of Management Conference, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Publications: Contribution to conference › Paper › Peer Reviewed
Unconscious bias in the HRM literature: Towards a critical-reflexive approach. / Storm, Kai Inga Liehr ; Reiss, Lea Katharina ; Günther, Elisabeth Anna et al.
In: Human Resource Management Review, Vol. 33, No. 3, 100969, 09.2023.
In: Human Resource Management Review, Vol. 33, No. 3, 100969, 09.2023.
Publications: Contribution to journal › Article › Peer Reviewed
Diffract reflexivity – a conceptual approach for un/doing inequities. / Günther, Elisabeth Anna.
2023. Paper presented at 39th EGOS Colloquium , Cagliari, Italy.
2023. Paper presented at 39th EGOS Colloquium , Cagliari, Italy.
Publications: Contribution to conference › Paper
(BETTER) STORIES FROM THE PANDEMIC. / Beck, Celina; Aglietti, Claudia; Antonijevic, Zorana et al.
(BETTER) STORIES FROM THE PANDEMIC. ed. / Claudia Aglietti; Caitriona Delaney; Pınar Ensari; Elena Ghidoni; Audrey Harroche; Alexis Still; Nazlı Türker. Örebro University Press, 2023.
(BETTER) STORIES FROM THE PANDEMIC. ed. / Claudia Aglietti; Caitriona Delaney; Pınar Ensari; Elena Ghidoni; Audrey Harroche; Alexis Still; Nazlı Türker. Örebro University Press, 2023.
Publications: Contribution to book › Chapter
Why should we care? Promoting an ethic of digital care in and through education. / Günther, Elisabeth Anna.
2023. Paper presented at International Critical Management Studies Conference, United Kingdom.
2023. Paper presented at International Critical Management Studies Conference, United Kingdom.
Publications: Contribution to conference › Paper