Mag. Vera Schwarz

Mag. Vera Schwarz

Porzellangasse 4
1090 Wien
Room: 1OG28

T: +43-1-4277-60057

Research focus

  • Digitality, education and society

  • Classism and racism, class and race
  • Diversity, intersectionality
  • (Queer) Feminist theory and practice
  • Austrian politics and contemporary history 





Scientific profile

I am a political scientist, adult educator and PhD student at the University of Vienna. As a researcher I am guided by an intersectional perspective, especially on class, race and gender. Playful approaches link my scientific and pedagogical work. 

I graduated in Political Science and Jewish Studies in 2008 and have worked with Fares Kayali since 2011, in the research projects "Serious Beats" and "Sparkling Games". As a seminar facilitator with a focus on group processes and writing, I conduct, i.a., training seminars for STEOP mentors at the University of Vienna and tutors for first-semester students throughout Austria, as well as seminars on writing and language.


Showing entries 1 - 15 out of 15
Götzenbrucker G, Schwarz V, Kayali F. Youth and Interculturality in Vienna: Gaming Intervention in Intercultural Contexts – Two Project Cases. In Knapp G, Krall H, editors, Youth Cultures in a Globalized World: Developments, Analyses and Perspectives. Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg. 2021. p. 207-224

Kayali F, Schwarz V, Schwarz P. Von Computational Thinking zu Computational Empowerment – digitale Bildung und Kreativität. In Fritz J, Tomaschek N, editors, Impulse für einen Digitalen Humanismus : Menschliche Werte in der virtuellen Welt. Münster: Waxmann Verlag. 2020. p. 159-168. (University - Society - Industry: Beiträge zum lebensbegleitenden Lernen und Wissenstransfer, Vol. 9).

Kayali F, Schwarz V, Götzenbrucker G, Purgathofer P. Sparkling Games: Die Gestaltung von Lernspielen zu Themen aus Informatik und Gesellschaft. In Zielinski W, Aßmann S, Kaspar K, Moormann P, editors, Spielend lernen!: Computerspiele(n) in Schule und Unterricht . Düsseldorf, München: Kopaed Verlag. 2017. p. 159-170. (Schriftenreihe zur digitalen Gesellschaft NRW, Vol. 5).

Franz B, Kayali F, Götzenbrucker G, Schwarz V, Pfeffer J, Purgathofer P. Internet Games: Games for Change? In Immigrant Youth, Hip Hop, and Online Games: Alternative Approaches to the Inclusion of Working-Class and Second Generation Migrant Teens. London: Lexington Books. 2015. p. 63-86

Götzenbrucker G, Schwarz V, Purgathofer P, Kayali F, Pfeffer J, Franz B. Serious Beats: Internetnutzung und Freundschaftsstrukturen von jungen MigrantInnen in Wien: Eine Analyse der integrationsstiftenden Potenziale von sozialen Netzwerken und Online-Spielen. In Biffl G, Rössl L, editors, Migration & Integration 4 . Wien: Guthmann Peterson. 2014. p. 59-64. (Dialogforum Integration. Migration & Integration : Dialog zwischen Politik, Wissenschaft und Praxis).

Showing entries 1 - 15 out of 15