Kolloquium: Diane J. Tedick (University of Minnesota)


Das Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung lädt am 12. April 2018 zu einem Kolloquium mit Diane J. Tedick zum Thema “Pedagogical Ruminations on Hybrid/Online Teacher Education” herzlich ein.

Zeit: Donnerstag, 12.04.2018, 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr

Ort: Seminarraum Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung, Porzellangasse 4, Stiege 2, 3. Stock, 1090 Wien

Anmeldung: kolloquium.zlb@univie.ac.at


This presentation will share lessons learned from a teacher educator who has worked in traditional or face to face (F2F), online, and hybrid preservice teacher preparation and inservice teacher professional development programs for language and content teachers. The focus of the presentation is on pedagogical issues. From a pedagogical perspective, what benefits can be observed in online/hybrid teacher education? What challenges exist and how have some of those challenges been addressed?

What learning environment design lessons have been learned? The presentation will include a brief description of findings from a study on inservice immersion/CLIL teacher perspectives of online learning.