Literaturtipp im "Journal of Educational Psychology"


Marko Lüftenegger und Sophie Oczlon vom Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung haben gemeinsam mit KollegInnen einen Beitrag im international renommierten Journal of Educaional Psychology veröffentlicht.

Der Fokus des Artikels liegt auf der empirischen Überprüfung der Zielorientierungstheorie, welche konkrete Annahmen über den Zusammenhang von Unterrichtskontext und persönlichen Zielen von SchülerInnen fürs Lernen trifft. Dazu wurde eine Meta-Analyse mit 62 Studien von 4 Kontinenten und 47 975 Lernenden durchgeführt. 

Bardach, L., Oczlon, S., Pietschnig, J., & Lüftenegger M. (2020):

Has achievement goal theory been right? A meta-analysis of the relation between goal structures and personal achievement goals.

Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance Online Publication. doi:10.1037/edu0000419



Achievement goal theory includes both personal motivational features (achievement goals) and contextual features (goal structures). The theory holds that the prevailing goal structures in learning environments (such as the classroom) influence the achievement goals students adopt. This meta-analysis (k = 68, N = 47,975) examined the strength of the relationships between student ratings of goal structures (mastery-approach goal structures, mastery-avoidance goal structures, performance-approach goal structures, and performance-avoidance goal structures) and achievement goals (mastery-approach goals, mastery-avoidance goals, performance-approach goals, and performance-avoidance goals) as well as moderating variables. Results indicated that each achievement goal was most strongly related to its contextual counterpart. Educational level and world region moderated some of the relations, and for most combinations of goal structures and achievement goals, measures framing goal structures as a climate produced higher correlations than measures using the teacher as referent. Challenges and promising routes for future research and theory building are discussed.