This talk capitalizes on the notion of linguistic risk-taking (Beebe, 1983; Cervantes, 2013), focusing on a new initiative launched at the University of Ottawa, an institution where courses, programs, and services in both English and French are available. In this bilingual context, linguistic-risks are defined as authentic communicative acts where learners use their second official language (rather than their preferred official language) in spontaneous daily interactions across campus. Engaging in such communicative acts is “risky” as some learners may not feel comfortable making mistakes, being misunderstood, misunderstanding others, taking on a different identity, and changing already established language habits. This may impact willingness to communicate (cf. MacIntyre et al. 1998; 2011) in the second official language, causing learners to miss out on opportunities for authentic and meaningful second language practice that abound on the bilingual campus. To encourage risk-taking, an initiative offering a Linguistic Risk-Taking Passport (26-page booklet with over 70 risks) was designed and distributed to over 500 French/English learners. The risks represent authentic activities outside the language classroom (e.g. speak the second language at the library, approach a passer-by for directions, order food at the cafeteria, interact with a professor/administrator, attend an event, etc.). Learners autonomously check off risks in their passports, comment on difficulty levels, propose additional risks, and can submit passports for prizes. A brief survey of theoretical constructs related to linguistic risk-taking, as well as the development of a smart phone app for the Initiative are also discussed.
You can find the PowerPoint presentation here.
Nikolay Slavkov, Ph.D.
Professeur agrégé | Associate Professor
Directeur, Centre canadien d'études et de recherche en bilinguisme et aménagement linguistique (CCERBAL) | Director, Canadian Centre for Studies and Research in Bilingualism and Language Planning
Rédacteur, Cahiers de l'ILOB | Editor, OLBI Working Papers Institut des langues officielles et du bilinguisme (ILOB) | Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI)
Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa