Eva Verena Kleinlein, B.A. M.Ed. M.Ed.

Eva Verena Kleinlein, B.A. M.Ed. M.Ed.

Porzellangasse 4
1090 Wien
Room: 335

T: +43-1-4277-60047

Office hours: by arrangement

Current teaching

Key Research Areas

  • Well-being and education in the context of refuge and migration
  • International comparative research on inclusive teacher education
  • Grounded Theory Methodology
  • Digital methods in qualitative research
  • Diagnostics & inclusion
  • Transcultural constructions of heterogeneity
  • International perspectives on inclusive education


Fields of activity

  • Lectures and cooperation activities in the afore mentioned fields
  • Qualitative research with pupils and teachers
  • Research activities in the afore mentioned fields


Scientific profile


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Talks, oral contributions