Dr. Seyda Subasi Singh, BA, MSc.

Dr. Seyda Subasi Singh, BA MSc

Porzellangasse 4
1090 Wien
Room: 440

T: +43-1-4277-60042

Office hours: by arrangement

Current teaching

Key research areas

  • Social exclusion and inequity
  • Inclusive teacher education and professionalization
  • Intersectionality
  • Equity in special education
  • Intercultural education
  • Equality of opportunity in education
  • Refugee education


Fields of activity

  • Teaching in the area of Inclusion, Intersectionality and Educational Equity
  • Research activities in the aforementioned research areas
  • Cooperation activities at the international level
  • Conducting research and cooperation projects

Scientific profile


Previous Fellow of the “uni:docs-individual funding initiative for outstanding young researchers"






Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 20
Subasi Singh S, Schuelka M. Disability, Inclusion, and Gross National Happiness: the complex case of Bhutan. In Mutanga O, Marovah T, editors, Southern Theories Contemporary and Future Challenges. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2024 doi: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003358879

Proyer M, Singh SS. Behinderung und (forced) migration in Österreich: Ausgewählte Perspektiven auf die Rolle von Familien im Kontext von Bildungsentscheidungen entlang einer komplexen Intersektion. In Peterlini HK, Donlic J, editors, Jahrbuch Migration und Gesellschaft 2021/2022: Schwerpunkt "Familie". Bielefeld : transkript. 2022. p. 165-176 doi: 10.14361/9783839459379-009

Obermayr T, Subasi Singh S, Kremsner G, Koenig O, Proyer M. Revisiting vulnerabilities – Auswirkungen der Pandemie auf die (Re)Konstruktion von Vulnerabilität*en im Kontext von Bildung. In Krause S, Breinbauer IM, Proyer M, editors, Corona bewegt – auch die Bildungswissenschaft. Bildungswissenschaftliche Reflexionen aus Anlass einer Pandemie. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt. 2021. p. 137 - 152

Subasi Singh S, Akar H. Culturally responsive teaching: Beliefs of pre-service teachers in the Viennese context. Intercultural Education. 2021;32(1):46-61. Epub 2021 Feb 3. doi: 10.1080/14675986.2020.1844533

Biewer G, Koenig O, Kremsner G, Möhlen L-K, Proyer M, Prummer S et al. Evaluierung des Nationalen Aktionsplans Behinderung 2012-2020. Wien: Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz , 2020. 762 p.

Subasi Singh S. Family Involvement and Immigrant Parents: Perceptions of Indian mothers in Vienna. Shanlax International Journal of Education. 2020 Jun 1;8(3):61-66. doi: 10.34293/education.v8i3.3172, 10.34293/education.v8i3.3172

Subasi Singh S. Migrantinnen beziehungsweise Migranten mit Behinderungen. In Evaluierung des Nationalen Aktionsplanes Behinderung 2012-2020: Strategie der österreichischen Bundesregierung zur Umsetzung der UN-Behindertenrechtskovention. Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz . 2020

Proyer M, Subasi Singh S, Pellech C, Möhlen L-K. Refugee education approaches and strategies in Central Europe. In Davigo F, editor, An overview of refugee education in Europe. 2020. p. 48-56

Khawaja I, Subasi Singh S, Proyer M, Möhlen L-K, Deiß H, Simovska V et al. Refugee education approaches and strategies in Southeast Europe. In Dovigo F, editor, An overview of refugee education in Europe. 2020. p. 57-72

Subasi Singh S, Proyer M, Atanasoska T. Re-Accessing Higher Education: Regulations and Challenges for Refugees in Austria and Turkey. In ʿArʾar Ḥ, Haj-Yehia K, editors, Higher Education Challenges for Migrant and Refugee Students in a Global World. New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Vienna, Oxford: Peter Lang. 2019. p. 297-310. (Equity in Higher Education Theory, Policy and Praxis).

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 20

Talks, oral contributions

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 57

Refugee Education in the HERE and now: Creating places of diversity and sanctuary in 'Fortress Europe

Seyda Subasi Singh
ECER 2023
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.8.2023 - .8.2023

Service-Learning for Social Justice and Reciprocity – Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Results from Austria, Germany, and Spain

Seyda Subasi Singh
ECER 2023
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.8.2023 - .8.2023

Youth and (Forced) Migration. Intersectional Perspectives on Educational Trajectories and Social Inequality in the context of school

Seyda Subasi Singh
ECER 2023
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.8.2023 - ..

Disability, Inclusion, and Gross National Happiness: The Complex Case of Bhutan

Seyda Subasi Singh
Nordic Network of Disability Research
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.5.2023 - .5.2023

Inclusive Education, Sustainability and Traditional Knowledge Transfer. Lessons Learned from Uganda and Austria.

Seyda Subasi Singh
ECER 2023
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2023 - ..

Kyoto University

Seyda Subasi Singh , Michelle Proyer
..2023 - ..2023

Srinakharinwirot University

Seyda Subasi Singh , Michelle Proyer , Simon Reisenbauer
..2023 - ..2023

University of Iceland

Seyda Subasi Singh
..2023 - ..2023

University of Sumatera Utara

Seyda Subasi Singh
..2023 - ..2023

Education in Times of Crisis. Global Perspectives on Inclusive Education Beyond COVID

Simon Reisenbauer , Michelle Proyer , Seyda Subasi Singh , Siriparn Sriwanyong , Tamala Boonyakarn
Education in Times of Crisis. Global Perspectives on Inclusive Education Beyond COVID
Seminar/Workshop, Organisation of ...
28.11.2022 - 28.11.2022

A Policy Analysis on the Situation of Inclusive Education in Times of Crisis

Seyda Subasi Singh , Susanne Prummer , Alexandra Gutschik , Sabine Mandl , Michelle Proyer , Oliver Koenig
ECER 2022.
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
25.8.2022 - 25.8.2022

A Policy Analysis on the Situation of Inclusive Education in Times of Crisis

Seyda Subasi Singh
ECER Plus 2022 "The Impact of Global Realities on the Prospects and Experiences of Educationals Research"
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.8.2022 - .8.2022

Refugees and Inclusive Education: Experiences, Identities and Belonging

Seyda Subasi Singh
ECER Plus 2022 "The Impact of Global Realities on the Prospects and Experiences of Educationals Research"
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.8.2022 - .8.2022

The Challenges of Immigrant Mothers of Children with Disabilities: The Case of Austria

Seyda Subasi Singh
ECER Plus 2022 "The Impact of Global Realities on the Prospects and Experiences of Educationals Research"
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.8.2022 - .8.2022

The Integration of Service-Learning in Art Teacher Education

Seyda Subasi Singh
ECER Plus 2022 "The Impact of Global Realities on the Prospects and Experiences of Educationals Research"
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.8.2022 - .8.2022

Nkumba University

Simon Reisenbauer , Michelle Proyer , Seyda Subasi Singh
10.7.2022 - 16.7.2022

Methodological and Research Related Challenges and Strategies in Multilingual Research in Multicultural Settings

Michelle Proyer , Simon Reisenbauer , Katharina Resch , Eva Verena Kleinlein , Seyda Subasi Singh , Imene Zoulikha Kassous , Run Tan , Robert Aust , Mona Emara
Methodological and Research Related Challenges and Strategies in Multilingual Research in Multicultural Settings
Seminar/Workshop, Organisation of ...
4.4.2022 - ..

Developing social and civic competencies through service learning: attitudes of pre-service teachers

Seyda Subasi Singh
Association of Teacher Education in Europe Conference
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
.4.2022 - .4.2022

Neudenken von Vulnerabilitäten in Krisenzeiten. Auswirkungen der COVID-19 Pandemie auf Menschen mit Behinderungen und psychischen Erkrankungen.

Susanne Prummer , Michelle Proyer , Seyda Subasi Singh
IFO 2022 – 35. Jahrestagung der Inklusionsforscher*innen
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
25.2.2022 - 25.2.2022

Kathmandu University

Seyda Subasi Singh , Michelle Proyer
..2022 - ..2022

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 57