New ways of conducting research in times of COVID19


Background for this workshop series

The COVID19 pandemic can leave researchers with methodological dilemmas, in which traditional research methods do not work or cannot be employed. However, field research has to take place or continue. Study participants, in particular those from institutional contexts which are now closed (e.g. schools, NGOs, community centers, etc.) have withdrawn from studies or taken back their consent to participate. Many vulnerable groups are harder to reach due to the precarious circumstances and participatory approaches face specific challenges. Also, research projects have already been planned a long time before COVID19 and might now be in the data collection phase depending on their time schedules. This requires researchers to postpone field research or at least to change plans in general. Some might even have to switch empirical methodologies as for example ethnographical research cannot take place at all.  When going beyond data collection, problems also arise in data interpretation, as researchers cannot meet to discuss findings or interpret data collectively.


The objective of this workshop series is to first share experiences about current problems and changes, which affect research around the globe to develop a shared understanding of the changed situation. Second, we would like to collect methods of empirical research, which work well online or as digital methods and give incentives for researchers, who might require a change of methods in their studies. In addition, we would like to talk about overarching topics relevant for empirically sound online research: assuring participatory methods, ensuring data protection, communicating with video tools, establishing trust relationships online etc. 


We would like to address researchers of all stages of their career.


Sabine Krause is Professor for General Pedagogy at the Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Austria

Michelle Proyer is tenure track professor for Inclusive Education at both the Centre for Teacher Education and the Department of Education of the University of Vienna, Austria

Katharina Resch is interim professor at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany