Valéria Schörghofer-Queiroz, MA BA
Valeria Schörghofer-Queiroz, MA
Porzellangasse 4
1090 Wien
Zimmer: 1OG03
- Sprachlehr- und -lernforschung
- Portugiesisch als Fremdsprache
- Mehrsprachigkeit
- Diskursanalyse
- Universitäre Forschung im Rahmen des eigenen Dissertationsvorhabens
Wissenschaftliches Profil
More than a title: Autoethnographic Explorations of Choosing Dissertation Topics in Applied Linguistics. Hrsg. / Luis Javier Pentón Herrera. Leiden: Brill, 2024. S. 53-75 ( The Doctoral Journey in Education, Band 6).
Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in Buch › Beitrag in Buch/Sammelband › Peer Reviewed
in: European Journal of Applied Linguistics, Band 10, Nr. 2, 07.09.2022, S. 327-339.
Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Peer Reviewed
Sprachliche Bildung in der Migrationsgesellschaft. Hrsg. / Klaus-Börge Boeckmann; Barbara Schrammel-Leber. Band 13 Graz: Leykam Buchverlag, 2020. S. 181.
Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in Buch › Beitrag in Buch/Sammelband › Peer Reviewed
2019. 11th AILA-Europe Junior Researchers' Meeting in Applied Linguistics, Sarajewo, Bosnien und Herzegovina.
Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag zu Konferenz › Sonstiger Konferenzbeitrag
in: BELT - Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal, Band 10, Nr. 1, e33108, 2019.
Veröffentlichungen: Beitrag in Fachzeitschrift › Artikel › Peer Reviewed
Weitere Publikationen
Relações de discurso e conectores: o trabalho de face em textos de falantes de português como língua adicional [Discourse relations and connectors: the face work in texts of Portuguese as an additional language speakers] / QUEIROZ, Valéria Schmid; MARINHO, Janice Helena Chaves.
In: CUNHA, Gustavo Ximenes; OLIVEIRA, Ana Larissa Adorno Marcioto (Eds.) Múltiplas perspectivas do trabalho de face na constituição do discurso, 2018, in press.
Publication: Contribution to Book> Chapter
As Contribuições Da Sequência Didática Para a Constituição do Aluno como Sujeito Autor em Produções Textuais [The contribution of the didatic sequence for the constitution of the student as subject author in textual productions]. / QUEIROZ, Valéria Schmid.
In: De volta ao futuro da língua portuguesa: Atas do V Simpósio Mundial de Estudos da Língua Portuguesa. Università del Salento, p. 3115-3134, 2017.
Publication: Contribution to journal> Article> Communication
Uma análise retórico-argumentativa da peroração no pronunciamento de vitória de Barack Obama [A rhetorical-argumentative analysis of the peroration in Barack Obama's victory pronouncement]. / SILVA, Bárbara Amaral Da; CARVALHO, BÁRBARA Marques Barbosa De; BARBOSA, Rodrigo Seixas P.; QUEIROZ, Valéria Schmid.
In: Revele: Revista Virtual dos Estudantes de Letras, v. 8, p. 22-39, 2015.
Publication: Contribution to journal> Article
A competência discursiva para a escrita: o uso de conectores por participantes do Celpe-Bras. [The Discourse Competence in Writing: the use of connectors by participants of the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese Language for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras)] / QUEIROZ, Valéria Schmid.
2017. Paper presented at Simpósio da Sociedade Internacional de Português Língua Estrangeira (SIPLE) (Lisboa - Portugal)
Publication> Contribution to conference > Paper
Text Relation Markers and Writing in Portuguese as a Foreigner Language
2017. Poster presented at the 15th International Pragmatics Conference (Belfast – Northern Ireland)
Publication> Contribution to conference > Poster
‘Brazilian Buddy’: the role of a Penpal project as a tool in developing identity and motivation in learning Portuguese as an additional language in USA.
2016. Paper presented at 6th International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (FLTAL) (Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Publication> Contribution to conference > Paper
Uma Análise dos Traços Subjetivos em Textos de Participantes do Celpe-Bras sob uma Perspectiva Modular [An Analysis of Subjective Traits in Participants' Texts of the Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese Language for Foreigners (Celpe-Bras) under a Modular Perspective].
2016. Paper presented at the 4th International Symposium on Discourse Analysis: Discourses and Inequalities (SIAD) (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte - Brazil).
Publication> Contribution to conference > Paper
Building an online Identity: A Case Study in Curitiba Council Facebook Page.
2015. 62th annual conference of the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies. (SECOLA) (Atlanta - USA).
Publication> Contribution to conference > Paper
As Contribuições da Sequência Didática para a Constituição do Aluno como Sujeito Autor em Produções Textuais. [The Contributions of the Didactic Sequence for the Student Constitution as a Subject-Author in Textual Productions].
2015. Paper presented at the 5th World Symposium on Portuguese Language Studies (University of Lecce, Lecce – Italy)
Publication> Contribution to conference > Paper
Argumentação e autoria em artigos de opinião do ensino médio [Argumentation and authorship in opinion articles from high school students].
2014. Paper presented at the 2nd Symposium of Portuguese Language and Literature: intersections. (Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte – Brazil)
Publication> Contribution to conference > Paper