Denis Francesconi, MA PhD
Denis Francesconi, MA PhD
Porzellangasse 4
1090 Wien
Zimmer: 323
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung per Mail.
- Co-Leiter und Postdoc im FWF-Projekt „EQoL - Teaching the Good Life. Theory, Policy and Practice in Education to Promote Quality of Life in the 21st Century“ (12/2023-11/2026)
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Francesconi D, Tarozzi M, Bykachev K, Välimäki T, Turunen H, Simovska V. Quality of life movement: Historical overview of the policies and challenges for the future of education. Policy Futures in Education. 2023 Nov;21(8):868-885. Epub 2022 Jun 14. doi: 10.1177/14782103221105462
Montanari S, Agostini E, Francesconi D. Are We Talking about Green Skills or Sustainability Competences? A Scoping Review Using Scientometric Analysis of Two Apparently Similar Topics in the Field of Sustainability. Sustainability (Switzerland). 2023 Sep 25;15(19):1-25. 14142. doi: 10.3390/su151914142
Öztürk N, Francesconi D, Agostini E. Pädagogik(en) des guten Lebens im Zeichen der Zeit. Zeitschrift für praktische Philosophie. 2023;10(1):263-284. doi: 10.22613/zfpp/10.1.11
Francesconi D. 4E Cognition and Education Beyond the Crossroads of Learning and Bildung. Constructivist Foundations. 2023;18(2):169-171.
Baldini M, Ricciardi M, Francesconi D, Casasola G. Ripensare l’ambiente educativo come luogo di appartenenza e di costruzione di valori. Formazione & Insegnamento. 2022 Mai 30;20(1):976-984. doi: 10.7346/-fei-XX-01-22_87
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Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 5 von 18
Die Frage nach der Nachhaltigkeit: Differente Perspektiven auf Entwicklung, Bildung und Diversität am Beispiel der zwei Projekte „Teach4Reach“ und „EQoL“
Evi Agostini
Denis Francesconi
Nazime Öztürk
Irma Eloff
Kgadi Mathabathe
Ann-Kathrin Dittrich
ÖFEB 2024
26.9.2024 - 26.9.2024
Teaching the Good Life: Insights for Norwegian School Leaders
Denis Francesconi
Evi Agostini
26.9.2024 - 26.9.2024
The implications of the Quality-of-Life Movement for education and the exemplary case of the OECD PISA Wellbeing Framework
Denis Francesconi
Nazime Öztürk
Evi Agostini
BERA Conference and WERA Focus Meeting
10.9.2024 - 10.9.2024
Framing PEA-Conference: Peace
Sabina Langer
Evi Agostini
Denis Francesconi
Nazario Zambaldi
PEA-Conference: Pedagogy, Ecology and the Arts conference: Peace
5.9.2024 - 7.9.2024
PEA-Conference: Pedagogy, Ecology and the Arts conference: Peace
Sabina Langer
Evi Agostini
Denis Francesconi
Nazario Zambaldi
PEA-Conference: Pedagogy, Ecology and the Arts conference: Peace
Organisation von ...
5.9.2024 - 7.9.2024
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