Dominik Froehlich, BSc (WU) MSc PhD
Dominik Froehlich, Privatdoz. BSc (WU) MSc PhD
Porzellangasse 4
1090 Wien
Zimmer: 348
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung
Zeige Ergebnisse 51 - 55 von 67
Gerken M, Messmann G, Froehlich DE, Beausaert SAJ, Mulder RH, Segers MSR. Personal and Contextual Antecedents of Innovative Work Behavior. in Messmann G, Dochy F, Segers MSR, Hrsg., Informal learning at work : triggers, antecedents, and consequences. London; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2018. S. 80-99. (New perspectives on learning and instruction).
Froehlich DE, Beausaert SAJ, Segers MSR. Development and validation of a scale measuring approaches to work-related informal learning. International Journal of Training and Development. 2017 Jun 1;21(2):130-144. doi: 10.1111/ijtd.12099
Van der Heijden BIJM, Notelaers G, Peters P, Stoffers J, De Lange AH, Froehlich DE et al.. Development and Validation of the Short-Form Employability Five-Factor Instrument. 2017. Beitrag in European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dublin, Irland.
Froehlich DE. Older managers’ informal learning in knowledge-intensive organizations: investigating the role of learning approaches among Austrian bank managers. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 2017;28(2):399-416. Epub 2016 Okt 28. doi: 10.1080/09585192.2016.1244897
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Veranstaltungsreihe: „Vom Studium zu Wissenschaft als Beruf?"
Veronika Wöhrer
Verena Krausneker
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Dominik Froehlich
Veranstaltungsreihe: „Vom Studium zu Wissenschaft als Beruf?"
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Vienna Autumn School of Methods
Ilse Schrittesser
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Dominik Froehlich
Vienna Autumn School of Methods
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7.9.2020 - 11.9.2020
Vienna Autumn School of Methods
Julia Reischl
Wolfgang Benjamin Ruge
Ilse Schrittesser
Dominik Froehlich
Vienna Autumn School of Methods
Summer/Winter School,
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13.9.2019 - 14.9.2019
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Elisabeth Jahn
Daniela Ring
Dominik Froehlich
"Hochschule digital.innovativ" - Online-Tagung "digiPH2" der Virtuellen PH.
26.3.2019 - 26.3.2019
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